

Debt Relief with Debt Cutter Australia | Debt Agreement

Debt Relief with Debt Cutter Australia | Debt Agreementanderson4t | dodany 3302 dni 5 godzin 47 minut temu | ( | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj OVERWHELMED BY DEBT? Life is full of unexpected changes such as family emergencies, job loss and even our health. All of a sudden that easy to manage weekly and monthly payment becomes MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. Your good credit has turned into bad debt. Debt Cutter can help you lighten up your life with a Government legislated Debt Agreement. A Debt Agreement is a legal instrument designed to provide debt relief to people struggling with unmanageable debt. At Debt Cutter, we have helped many thousands through their financial crisis and enabled them to turn their lives around through the use of a Debt Agreement. A Debt Agreement is formally called a Part 9 (IX) Debt Agreement, that is, Part IX of the Bankruptcy act. It was introduced by the Federal Government in 1996 to provide an alternative to bankruptcy to those who are financially overstretched. Simply put, a Debt Agreement is a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors allowing you to renegotiate your situation. You make an offer to repay your current unsecured debts over an agreed period of time based on what you can afford, not what is owed. By accepting the offer, the creditors agree to reduce your debt and freeze your interest and release you from any further commitments at the end of the agreement period. Contact us on 1300 887 211 Debt Cutter HQ. PO Box 1556 Capalaba, QLD 4157
Debt Relief with Debt Cutter Australia | Debt Agreement

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