emfprotection emfprotection w Spisie od 22.02.2016
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punkty użytkownika emfprotection


Cell Phone Radiation Protection (+)

emfprotectionemfprotection | dodany 3113 dni 16 godzin 29 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
A cell phone radiation protection from Vortex BioShield® could really make the difference to your overall wellbeing when it comes to using technology. If you are suffering from symptoms of radiation, such as migraine and anxiety we can help. więcej...
Cell Phone Radiation Protection

EMF Protection Jewelry (+)

emfprotectionemfprotection | dodany 3113 dni 16 godzin 30 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Vortex BioShield® EMF protection jewelry range is aimed at keeping you as safe as possible when using technology. Our designs are creative and innovative and we only ever use the best quality materials and crystals. więcej...
EMF Protection Jewelry

EMF Protection (+)

emfprotectionemfprotection | dodany 3174 dni 7 godzin 49 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
EMF protection jewelry from Vortex BioShield will provide a subtle shift as your system slowly integrate with the natural vertical invitation of crystals used in the jewelry. Our products can help alleviate the stress caused by radiation, with some people noticing big differences in a matter of weeks due to the harmonic frequencies emitted from the crystals on our jewelry. więcej...
EMF Protection