kids4vancouver kids4vancouver w Spisie od 18.01.2016
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Chinese buyers reject Vancouver Surrey BC high-'radiation' new home for sale (+)

kids4vancouverkids4vancouver | dodany 3159 dni 12 godzin 27 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Testing for EMF/ELF near high-voltage power lines and WiFi RF shows meter readings over 1 milligauss in Surrey and Marpole, Vancouver, BC. Chinese buyers often consider EMF as 'radiation' and seem to know more about health hazards than long-time residents, except for those who know that their farm neighbors who lived under high-voltage power lines allegedly died from leukemia. 中国买家拒绝温哥华不列颠哥伦比亚省萨里高'radiation “新家庭出售... więcej...
Chinese buyers reject Vancouver Surrey BC high-'radiation' new home for sale

KidsVancouver Party Guide $35/hour Party Entertainment | Kids Vancouver (+)

kids4vancouverkids4vancouver | dodany 3168 dni 19 godzin 10 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Party Venues | Kids Vancouver › directory One hour of any style dance class with one of Vancouver's top instructors. One hour ... Birthday Parties, Weddings, Seminars, Bar Mitzvahs and more. Boogaloo ... 12 Birthday Party Ideas in Vancouver - › Galleries 12 Birthday Party Ideas in Vancouver ... out of the rug, we've got the scoop on 12 birthday party ideas in Vancouver. ... Next: YogaMelle Yoga Birthday Parties. Kids Birthday... więcej...
KidsVancouver Party Guide $35/hour Party Entertainment | Kids Vancouver