cherrynod cherrynod w Spisie od 15.07.2015
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linki użytkownika cherrynod


PCB Product | FPC | HDI | Rigid Flex | Multilayer | NOD Electronics

cherrynodcherrynod | dodany 3369 dni 22 godziny 5 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
With 30+ years experience, NOD Electronics offers 35,000 square meters per month capabilities of making printed circuit boards, FPC, HDI, rigid flex, multi-layers. Assembly and box build services are available as well. Our customers come from a variety of industries such as communication, networking, automotive, medical, musical instruments, security, military, bio-medical, power supply, consumer electronics etc. So we are sophisticated with high quality requirements and quick delivery. As... więcej...
PCB Product | FPC | HDI | Rigid Flex | Multilayer | NOD Electronics

PCBA | PCB Factory | PCB Assembly | NOD Electronics

cherrynodcherrynod | dodany 3382 dni 15 godzin 44 minuty temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
NOD Electronics strives to be your PCBA manufacturer, including PCB design, fabrication and PCB assembly (PCBA). Our responsive team will offer you PCB assembly services with a range of process control, refined and strict PCB assembly workflow and quality commitment. więcej...
komentarze (0) | kategoria: Biznes | tagi: pcb assembly
PCBA | PCB Factory | PCB Assembly | NOD Electronics

NOD Electronics: PCBA | PCB Factory | PCB Assembly

cherrynodcherrynod | dodany 3396 dni 16 godzin temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
NOD Electronics strives to be your PCBA manufacturer, including PCB design, fabrication and PCB assembly (PCBA). Our responsive team will offer you PCB assembly services with a range of process control, refined and strict PCB assembly workflow and quality commitment. więcej...
NOD Electronics: PCBA | PCB Factory | PCB Assembly