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Light Peak firmy Intel

WiXaWiXa | dodany 5271 dni 16 godzin 19 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
W przyszłym roku pojawi się pogromca USB 3.0 i nie tylko. Light Peak jest nowym standardem, interfejsem mogącym dziś zapewniać transfery na poziomie 10 Gb/s, choć w przyszłości Intel zamierza podciągnąć tą wartość powyżej 100 Gb/s. więcej...
Light Peak firmy Intel

Panasonic’s Versatile and High Quality Light Touch Switches

futureelectronicsfutureelectronics | dodany 3083 dni 14 godzin 4 minuty temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj,Ny:True,Ro:0,Nea:True,N:546 . Main features of Panasonic’s Light Touch Switches are: small size, ESD protection, IP67 rated, high contact reliability and high peel off strength. Main benefits are: suitable for small applications, saves PCB, improves the market perception of the set device, high performance and strong solder strength that endures typical consumer handling. więcej...
Panasonic’s Versatile and High Quality Light Touch Switches

safety light curtains

pinnclezpinnclez | dodany 3347 dni 13 godzin 32 minuty temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj - Pinnacle Systems, Inc. is a US Manufacturer of standard & custom safety products for industrial machine guarding applications. Products include light curtains, safety mats, ergonomic palm buttons, interface modules, control systems, interlock switches & fencing. Types of light curtains include solid state light curtains, light curtains with metal box controllers, light curtains with DIN-rail controllers, cascading light curtains & perimeter guard... więcej...
safety light curtains

Vishay VCNL4040 Proximity and Ambient Light Digital Sensor

futureelectronicsfutureelectronics | dodany 3399 dni 19 godzin 53 minuty temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj*VCNL4040*%7c1%7c,Ny:True,Nea:True . Today we will present the key features and unique applications of the VCNL4040 Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor. Vishay introduces a new fully integrated proximity and ambient light sensor featuring Filtron . więcej...
Vishay VCNL4040 Proximity and Ambient Light Digital Sensor