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Orange Park, FL. Kindergarten 904.264.9959

gagerneriqzgagerneriqz | dodany 3554 dni 9 godzin 26 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
O.P.K has provided kindergarten programs for over 30 years. O.P.K. was established in 1960 to serve the young children and their parents in the Orange Park, FL area. Our building was built with the sole purpose of providing an optimal learning environment for ages 18 months through Kindergarten. We've been a VPK Educational Program Provider since the 2007/2008 school year. Our VPK program incorporates Literacy, Math, Phonics, Social Skills and Pre-Writing to enhance your child's... więcej...
Orange Park, FL. Kindergarten 904.264.9959

Orange Park, FL. Kindergarten 904.264.9959

cyrusbrileszcyrusbrilesz | dodany 3554 dni 12 godzin 18 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
O.P.K has provided kindergarten programs for over 30 years. O.P.K. was established in 1960 to serve the young children and their parents in the Orange Park, FL area. Our building was built with the sole purpose of providing an optimal learning environment for ages 18 months through Kindergarten. We've been a VPK Educational Program Provider since the 2007/2008 school year. Our VPK program incorporates Literacy, Math, Phonics, Social Skills and Pre-Writing to enhance your child's... więcej...
Orange Park, FL. Kindergarten 904.264.9959