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Author Truth Devour

dixenlandixenlan | dodany 3552 dni 15 godzin 7 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Contemporary award winning Indie author Truth Devour brings you the enigma series (Adult contemporary romantic/ paranormal trilogy) Wantin, Unrequited + Sated and the Soliloquy's Labrinth upcoming five series (Adult Contemporary fantasy / paranormal) which consists of Illuminarium, Insurgence, Quantum, Perennis and Dualities Reign. więcej...
Author Truth Devour

Dystopian Romance Author

liyabutliyabut | dodany 3573 dni 13 godzin 5 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Ashleigh Zavarelli is the Author of the Love in Belle Pont Series, titles which include Under the Cypress Tree and Louisiana Sky. She writes in the genres of Contemporary romance, and Dystopian. więcej...
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Dystopian Romance Author

Author Brandi Jeneé

retusanajiretusanaji | dodany 3685 dni 18 godzin 45 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Independent author Brandi Jeneé writes stories which reflect the consequences of choices we make. Brandi Jeneé seeks to move the reader with great storytelling and drama. Current catalog of books include: My Name Is Sin, The Playground Whore, and Illusions of Elusive Love. From pages to the big screen Brandi Jeneé is working to make all of her books into feature films. Currently she is working on a short film titled Felonopoly, which is slated for 2015 release. więcej...
Author Brandi Jeneé

Oscar Wilde

shyanneseth50shyanneseth50 | dodany 3706 dni 6 godzin 30 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Here are some of the most infamous quotes on life, literature, fashion and other things by Oscar Wilde. więcej...
Oscar Wilde