Retroink - salon tatuażu Kraków - to studio tatuażu i piercingu z Krakowa. Doświadczeni tatuatorzy, każdego dnia wykonują unikalne tatuaże, które pozwalają wyrazić siebie. Poza tatuażami można wykonać piercing oraz kupić kolczyki typu plug i tunele. więcej...
Engrave Ink® is an original bottle of commemorative tattoo ink created from the ashes of your loved one as a celebration to their unique and wonderful life. więcej...
Want to have a white ink tattoo? White ink tattoos are becoming popular across the world and especially teenagers are choosing white ink tattoos. więcej...
Right Stuff is a company whose priority is our customers’ satisfaction, and thus the tattoo machines, that are the main part of our production, are the effect of experience of the experts from many fields. więcej...
At Minx Mogul, we use only traditional coil tattoo machines. We offer 2 styles of the smallest machines, handmade in the USA, and with a lifetime warranty. więcej...
HUSH Anesthetics have their very own topical anesthetic products line up to help you experience a painless tattoo session with their tattoo numbing products. więcej...